Charity that did not tell Commission about critical Ofsted reports faces inquiry

04 Feb 2019 News

The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into and education charity which had failed to file a serious incident report after receiving critical reports from Ofsted. 

The Albayan Education Foundation Limited had also been issued with statutory notices by the Department for Education, which the Commission said should have triggered the trustees to file a serious incident report.  

Announcing the inquiry last week, the Commission said that it has previously engaged with the charity and had issued trustees with an action plan. 

“However, the trustees have failed to implement the action plan fully, leading the Commission to have serious concerns about the ongoing viability of the charity,” the Commission said. 

The inquiry will examine: 

  • whether the trustees have complied with and fulfilled their duties and responsibilities as trustees under charity law;
  • whether the trustees have complied with the requirements of other regulators, in particular the DfE;
  • the financial controls and management of the charity’s funds and accounting procedures.

The Albayan Education Foundation had an income of £258,527 and spending of £281,557, according to its accounts for the year to 30 June 2018. 

Charities interested in good governance can now sign up to attend the Trustee Exchange conference in April.



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