Fund Management Survey 2024 – Charities’ views

Charities, share your important opinions and help us build a robust picture of the charity investment landscape. Participate by Monday 30th September to receive the published survey report and have the chance to win a £100 John Lewis voucher.


What’s in January 2023’s issue of Governance & Leadership?

16 Jan 2023 In-depth

January’s edition of G&L focuses on diversity targets - how to select targets that are appropriate for your charity, and how to go about meeting them.  We feature case studies from Nesta, ACEVO and the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, and our new regular columnist, Dr Wanda Wyporska, also gives her take on the topic in her ‘Doctor’s Orders’ page.

In its regular column, the Charity Commission explains the implications of the Butler-Sloss ruling on investment matters, and the Law & Guidance section also features a legal opinion on the Commission’s decision not to challenge a charity’s controversial decision to sell a major property.

A former YMCA chief executive offers his thoughts on the five key questions that should frame all trustee board discussions, and a charity IT expert outlines the questions that trustees ought to be putting to their CEO and IT lead to assure themselves that their charity’s data is as secure as it can be.

Finally, we also run the second of two articles from the Smallwood Trust’s CEO Paul Carbury, this time relaying the story of how the grantmaker has completely overhauled its operations over the last few years in order to transform its impact for women in poverty.  

We hope you enjoy reading the first edition of 2023 and we’d love to hear what you think of it - do get in touch at [email protected].


Cover theme


Law & Guidance

People & Culture

Board matters

The Final Word


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