Four horse and donkey charities announce formal coalition 

17 Mar 2017 News

Four UK equine charities have announced their first formal coalition to improve global welfare standards for horses and donkeys. 

Brooke, The Donkey Sanctuary, SPANA and World Horse Welfare will work together to put policy into practice, the coalition aims to advise, motivate and support the implementation of the first global welfare standards for working horses, donkeys and mules.

The World Organisation for Animal Health introduced new standards in May 2016 after advocacy and technical support from Brooke and World Horse Welfare.

Petra Ingram, chief executive of Brooke, will chair the coalition in its first year. She said: “A respected champion of change can be the difference between success and failure when it comes to implementation. Our message to countries is “let us help; equine welfare is an ally of humanitarian issues.”

The coalition’s goal is to share a wealth of professional expertise and technical know-how by jointly developing training resources and working with governments, academics, communities and professionals to help put the standards into practice within the contexts of different countries, cultures and economies.


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