19 lead organisations secure share of £4.6m Volunteering Futures Fund 

20 Apr 2022 News

Arts Council England (ACE) has awarded £4.6m from a government fund that aims to increase access to volunteering. 

The Volunteering Futures Fund was announced last autumn and ACE is one of three distributing partners. An additional £2.2m is being distributed by Pears Foundation and NHS Charities Together.

ACE has awarded funding to organisations including colleges, local councils, schools, health and wellbeing organisations. Some 11 of the 19 lead organisations are registered charities. 

The government says that through this funding 160 community organisations will be able to support 7,800 projects over two years. 

Nadine Dorries, culture secretary, said: “Volunteering offers a wealth of benefits to those involved and the organisations which rely on the help. 
“Our new support will deliver a step-change for those who may be isolated, lonely or experiencing any number of potential barriers to getting involved in volunteering.”
One of the successful applicants, Barnsley Museums plans to use its £180,000 to establish new partnerships between local stakeholders, including Feels Like Home, Barnsley College and Inclusion in Action among other partners.

Lynn Dunning, head of Barnsley Museums, said: “Volunteering is vital to the cultural sector and offers huge advantages to both the individual and the organisation. This funding will allow us to establish high quality volunteering opportunities that will offer personal and lifelong benefits to those taking part. 
“They will develop new skills, offer avenues into work, support health and wellbeing and boost confidence. Doing so in collaboration with a range of community partners and lived experience.”

Full list of successful bids: 

  • Barnsley Museums - £180,000
  • Cultural Services - Portsmouth City Council - £130,000
  • Ignite Imaginations - £135,000
  • Active Communities Network - £245,000
  • Higher Rhythm Ltd - £214,994
  • Kirklees Theatre Trust - £124,957
  • Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - £400,000
  • Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery - £490,000
  • Arts & Health South West - £180,000
  • Culture, Learning and Libraries (Midlands) – Inspire Youth Arts - £262,000
  • Bassetlaw Community & Voluntary Service - £220,000
  • Culture Central - £525,000
  • Festival of Thrift - £180,000
  • Hertfordshire Library Service - £185,000
  • The Bureau Centre for the Arts CIC - £299,624
  • Things Made Public CIC - £250,000
  • Ledbury Poetry Festival - £180,000
  • Brighton Dome & Festival Limited - £203,912
  • London Wildlife Trust - £244,996
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