Charity Audit Survey 2024

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What’s in September’s issue of Governance & Leadership?

16 Sep 2024 In-depth

By Civil Society Media

The cover theme of September’s Governance & Leadership is organisational culture, and what factors contribute to its success or otherwise.  Getting on Board’s communications director writes about the board’s key role in setting or changing the charity’s culture, and Samaritans’ director of people and culture shares his tips from a successful career instigating culture change within workplaces. Finally, the chair and CEO of Carers UK outline how their relationship sets the tone from the top. Our regular columnists, Dr Wanda Wyporska and Noelle Rumball also cover culture in their pages, sharing tips and ideas from their own extensive experience of leading civil society organisations.

In our brand new Policy & Public Affairs section, Jack Maycock and Ian McLintock set out their ideas for how charities should get into partnership with the new government.  

And in Board Matters, the Smallwood Trust explains why it decided to research the origins of its endowment, how it went about it, and how it plans to deal with what it uncovered. In the same section, Lucent Consultancy zeroes in on the governance aspects of its recent study of membership organisations, finding that many could do with updating these in order to be fit for purpose in the modern era.

In its regular Law & Guidance column, the Charity Commission reminds trustees of the principles that should underpin all board decision-making, and in a short Strategy & Operations piece, a volunteer at a multiple sclerosis charity outlines how it saved money and improved its recruitment of care workers through use of an efficient online matching platform.

Finally, in the Core Functions section where this month’s topic is Insurance & Risk, Quakers’ campaigns coordinator shares details of the sector-wide campaign to convince the insurance industry to stop insuring fossil fuel projects, and invites readers to get involved, no matter what their charity’s cause.


Cover theme


Law & Guidance

Board matters

Strategy & Operations

Policy & Public Affairs

Core functions: Insurance

The final word


Governance & Leadership is a bimonthly publication which helps charity leaders and trustees on their journey from good practice to best practice. Written by leading sector experts each issue is packed with news, in-depth analysis and real-life case studies of best practice in charitable endeavour and charity governance plus advice and guidance straight from the regulator. Find more information here and subscribe today!


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