Pursue pension change together

15 May 2012 Voices

David Davison mounts his soapbox to call for pensions reform.

David Davison mounts his soapbox to call for pensions reform.

I have unfortunately witnessed first hand just how significant, and potentially damaging, defined benefit pensions can be for charities.

I have recently produced a paper for the Charity Finance Group entitled ‘The case for consultation on multi-employer pension schemes’ which highlights the key issues faced, provides a series of case studies detailing their negative impact and makes some proposals about how things might be changed for the better. The objective of the paper is to encourage the DWP to agree to run a consultation to combine input from the government, the sector and advisers to drive forward a solution that better protects charities, pension scheme members and the taxpayer.

The release of this paper and the launch by the Cabinet Office and DWP of a ‘Red Tape Challenge’ to explore whether overcomplicated regulations can be reformed or abolished all demonstrate a consensus for change and it is imperative momentum is maintained.

The legislative environment charitable organisations face is completely unsuitable and in need of reform. The CFG is right to raise the profile of this issue, encourage debate and actively pursue change.