Sir Stephen Bubb

Chief executive

Sir Stephen Bubb has been chief executive at the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (Acevo) since 2000.

Under his leadership Acevo has become an effective lobbying body with strong links into government and campaigns hard for greater delivery of public services by charities.

Prior to joining Acevo Sir Stephen had worked as director of personnel at the National Lottery Charities Board, head of personnel at the Association of Metropolitan Authorities, negotiations officer at the National Union of Teachers and research officer at the Transport and General Workers’ Union.

He studied for a politics and philosophy degree at Oxford University where he also got his Masters in economics.

He is a colourful and sometimes controversial figure in the sector and writes a popular and often provocative blog that details his extensive networking and even aspects of his personal life. He has his own parody figure in the form of Sir Robin Bogg, chief executive of the spoof British Umbrella Backing Body (BUBB), who writes a tongue-in-cheek blog uncannily similar to Sir Stephen’s own.

He was knighted in the 2011 New Year's Honours List.