Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

The questionnaire is now open for responses. Share your views by 7th March to receive a free copy of the published survey report and one lucky person will also win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

Who's Moving: The Silver Line, Liverpool Football Club Foundation and more

25 Mar 2019 News

Matt Parish, LFC Foundation, director

Chief executive 

LFC Foundation, Liverpool Football Club’s charity, has appointed Matt Parish as a director. He said: “I'm honoured to get the opportunity to lead the LFC Foundation and build on the excellent work that is already happening.”

Non executives 

Education charity, the Edge Foundation has elected Neil Bates as its chair. He has been a trustee at the charity for over ten years.

Whiteley Homes Trust, a charity that provides accommodation for older people in Surrey, has appointed Rod Bennion as its chair. He has worked in the housing and care sectors previously, in roles including chief operating officer for The Wates Group and chairman of St Christopher’s Hospice.

Four new trustees have been appointed to think tank Future Care Capital: Dr Neil Churchill, Lise Pape, Sylvia Lowe and Joe Steel.

The Silver Line, a helpline for older people, has appointed James Batchelor to its board of trustees. He works in the corporate sector and founded the company, Alertacall.

To tell us about your latest charity appointments email [email protected]

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