Berkeley Foundation – Resilience Fund
Grants available: £60,000 over two years.
Deadline to apply: 2 February.
Who is the funding for?
The £300,000 fund will support six organisations working with young people at risk of homelessness. While the foundation will not consider applications for frontline delivery, it hopes the funding will be used to build organisational resilience.
Eligible organisations will cover one of select geographical areas that include Greater London, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Kent, Hampshire, West Sussex, Warwickshire and the city of Birmingham.
The organisation must be a registered charity or community interest company, have a safeguarding policy in place and an annual income of between £100,000 and £1.5m.
When will you hear back?
Final decisions will be made by May 2024.
Big Give – Kind2Mind campaign
Grants available: Match funding.
Deadline to apply: 9 February.
Who is the funding for?
The Big Give’s annual Kind2Mind campaign is in its third year and offering match funding for charities that address, prevent, research and campaign about mental health.
The week-long campaign will run from 9 February to 28 May and coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week.
Applicants must demonstrate the impact of how their work improves the mental health of people in the UK and have an annual income of £25,000 or more.
When will you hear back?
March 2024.
Smart Energy GB – In Communities Fund
Grants available: £25,000
Deadline to apply: 9 February.
Who is the funding for?
Smart Energy GB’s fund is open to applications from charities, housing associations and public sector organisations.
The grants will be awarded to regionally-based organisations with local networks that can evidence reaching people that are aged 75 or older, have at least one disability or impairment, are from lower socioeconomic groups and have lower literacy.
When will you hear back?
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