Oxfam worker killed in Haiti earthquake

15 Jan 2010 News

An Oxfam worker is one of the tens of thousands killed in the Haiti earthquake this week.

An Oxfam worker is one of the tens of thousands killed in the Haiti earthquake this week.

The charity has confirmed that business manager Amedee Marescot, a Haitian who had worked for Oxfam for 13 years, was killed when part of the Oxfam office collapsed in the devastating earthquake.

The rest of Oxfam’s 100 staff stationed in Haiti are reportedly safe and accounted for.

Oxfam’s international director Penny Lawrence said ““We are all deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of Amedee and we all send our sincere condolences to his family. He was a dedicated and passionate member of staff and will be greatly missed by his colleagues.

"These are dark days for the people who live and also work to help the poor communities of Haiti.”   

While it says its staff are safe, Oxfam said many staff members had lost homes and families in the disaster. The charity dispatched an emergency specialist from the UK to Port-au-Prince yesterday.

The Disasters Emergency Committee launched an emergency appeal for the earthquake on Wednesday evening, following the earthquake on Tuesday night, British-time. 

Photo courtesy of Action Aid