IoF rewrites outdated electronic media code of practice

10 Aug 2010 News

The Institute of Fundraising is forming a working party to revise and expand its electronic media code of practice by summer 2011, ten years after its first draft.

The Institute of Fundraising is forming a working party to revise and expand its electronic media code of practice by summer 2011, ten years after its first draft.

The working party will comprise experienced fundraisers “at the cutting edge of new technology in their areas” and will expand the code to “ensure that it applies to all types of fundraising through electronic media”.

Although light revisions to the code have been applied throughout the past decade, the coming review will upend the current code, moving it from a broad guide to look at email campaigns, website development, social media, interactive TV, SMS campaigns and other specific areas to provide more comprehensive guidance.

Louise Richards, director of policy and campaigns at the Institute said: “In recent years the use of electronic media has exploded. It is now very much part of the mainstream, and an integral part of many charities’ fundraising strategies.”

The electronic media code review joins that of the Institute’s handling of cash donations and house-to-house collections codes, which are both at the working party stage.

The electronic media revisions team will hold its first meeting in September and will work through to November this year before a public consultation through the winter.