CAF customers may have fallen victim to internet fraud scam

18 May 2015 News

The Charities Aid Foundation has warned that some of its customers are receiving fraudulent phishing emails claiming to be from the organisation and CAF Bank.

The Charities Aid Foundation has warned that some of its customers are receiving fraudulent phishing emails claiming to be from the organisation and CAF Bank.

CAF is advising customers to report any such emails they may receive to the organisation. The emails inform customers that “We are upgrading our system to enhance your CAF online security” and asks them to “Click here to login”.

CAF has said that the link must not be clicked, and instead the email should be forwarded to [email protected] before being deleted.

Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to trick customers into receiving personal details.

CAF said that it has recieved a handful of reports of people recieiving these emails, but is not aware of anyone who has clicked on a link in one of these emails.