Brand new type of ‘dream’ money to revolutionise charity funding   

01 Apr 2020 News

A new type of money that has the potential to transform the charity funding landscape has been invented.
Hypnocurrency builds on current successes in the cryptocurrency market and offers a potential lifeline to many struggling charities, its creator claims. 
The concept is simple: if you dream of money, while wearing a special hat, telekinetically charged particles are generated that can be stored in special tank before being and transferred directly to the charity’s bank account and harnessed for social good. 
Professor Traum, inventor of the method, said: “It’s really quite simple, I don’t know why no-one thought of it sooner. Dream of money and it appears! It’s better than a money tree because you won’t need to remember to water any plants.”
To benefit from the new source of funding, all charities will need to do is buy the hat and decanting device created by Traum. However, they have not yet been licensed for sale while further testing is carried out. 
Government insiders enthusiastically welcomed the news and encouraged charities to embrace hypnocurrency. 
However, not everyone is happy about the new technology. 
One fundraiser, who asked not to be named, said: “It’s all well and good, but if people can literally raise money in their sleep what does that mean for our great fundraising traditions?”
Elsewhere Justin Klass, from the think tank the Institute of Chartisation, suggested charities should be cautious: “While this latest development is of course interesting, it looks as though it will be a long time before it will work at the scale claimed in the press release.

“Fundraised income, contract, trading and even grants will continue to be important sources of income for many years.”