Now in its fourteenth successful year, we’re delighted to announce that the Charity Technology Conference will return in 2019 and be held at etc.venues St Paul's, a state of the art conference and exhibition centre.
The conference is accredited by the CPD Standards Office and this activity equates to 5 hours of CPD. Delegates will be provided with a certificate of attendance, which should be kept within your CPD record, and can be used as evidence in a CPD audit by a professional institute or regulator.
Download the full brochure and booking form here.
06 November 2019
9.00AM - 9.30AMRegistration, coffee & networkingRegistration, coffee & networking
9.30AM - 9.40AMChair’s welcome: Stephen Cotterill, editor, Fundraising MagazineChair’s welcome: Stephen Cotterill, editor, Fundraising Magazine
9.40AM - 10.20AMOpening keynote: The world in 2020 and beyondOpening keynote: The world in 2020 and beyond
Julie Dodd, director of digital transformation and communications, Parkinson’s UK -
10.20AM - 11.00AMTech strategy: using insight and storytelling to create social impact
With fewer than half of all charities having a technology strategy in place, Adam will reveal some key sector0focused insight around the power that technology offers charities and why it is so crucial to place importance on this.
Laura Ward and Steven Roddy of the RSPB will discuss the role that technology played in helping them get birdsong into the charts. Being able to reach a wide audience that would engage with the project was critical and technology was instrumental in every step of the project.
Adam Williams, Head of Direct Sales at KCOM; Laura Ward, Head of Online Content at RSPB; Steven Roddy, Principal Campaigner at RSPB
11.00AM - 11.25AMNetworking & refreshment break - Chariteer product demonstrationNetworking & refreshment break - Chariteer product demonstration
11.25AM - 12.10PM1A. Innovation spotlight: Addressing UN sustainability goals
In a world faced with growing poverty, inequality, climate emergency and environmental degradation, UN Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Allia Future Business Centre supports start-ups and ventures that address these goals, creating innovative solutions to solve the critical global and local challenges we all face. This session will showcase a number of these ventures and highlight how they use new technology in an innovative way in order to solve the most pressing social and environmental issues.
Jessica Ocampos, co-founder and CEO of Camnexus, Hector Smethurst, founder of Appt, and Sean O'Keefe, co-founder of Cogz -
11.25AM - 12.10PM1B. Digital transformation: Building the charity you want
Too often we can feel we are on a treadmill of everchanging, never-ending transformation – seeking to achieve a vision beyond our means and becoming disconnected with our purpose. This session will explore how to build a resilient and maturing digital charity by looking again at why we exist and what our purpose truly is. How do our people, processes, cultures and technological capabilities shape and create the digital charity we want to be? Whether you are a technology expert or new to the digital world, this session will use real-life examples to challenge your thinking and provide practical steps for effective digital transformation.
Nathan Baranowski, managing director, OJO
Solutions and Steve Fuller, co-founder, The House -
11.25AM - 12.10PM1C. Skills focus: The importance of digital skillsUsing data from the latest Charity Digital Skills report and learnings from NSPCC’s recent digital transformation work, this session will look at how to
ensure an organisation has access to the digital skills it needs now and in the future.
Zoe Amar, chair of the Charity Digital Code of Practice, Clive Gardiner, head of digital, and James Barker, associate head of digital engagement, NSPCC -
11.25AM - 12.10PM1D. What happens when you change an entire charity's CRM within 12 months
Crohn’s and Colitis UK is the UK’s leading charity in the battle against Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Founded as a patients’ association in 1979, the charity currently has 44,000 members and 200,000 other supporters across the UK. Crohn’s and Colitis UK supports thousands more through a support line, regional volunteer-led events and grants programmes. Microsoft Dynamics 365 and m-hance were selected to provide an organisation-wide solution to:
- Manage the charity’s fundraising, help and advice centre, membership and groups of volunteers;
- Manage other functions including beneficiary grants, research grants, public affairs, the patient voices network, relationships with healthcare professionals and more;
- Integrations with the Crohn’s and Colitis UK website, payment gateways, online donation platforms, DotDigital and a Skype for Business telephony solution.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 and NfP 365 has enabled users to gain a 360 degree view of all those who engage with the charity, to support and extend their relationships with the IBD community.
Tory Cassie, NfP business development, and James Glover, NfP solution architect, m-hance, and Azadi Sheridan, Crohn's & Colitis.
12.15PM - 12.50PM2A. Collective intelligence: What we learned by combining human and machine intelligence for social good
Crowd insights and data harnessed through collective intelligence has led to breakthroughs in traditionally elite professional fields such as science, research and healthcare. It has changed the way laws get made, and enabled us to improve our understanding of situations in real time. But as the volume of data increases, so do the challenges of navigating and analysing it. This session will present the lessons learned from NESTA’s collective intelligence programme.
Kathy Peach, head of the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, NESTA
12.15PM - 12.50PM2B. Nudging people to give more onlineBy using insights from psychology, neuroscience and microeconomic theories, charities can understand more about donors’ impulsive and deliberative intentions to give. But how does this work for online giving? This session will help delegates understand how to use behavioural economics to maximise donations via websites.
Mark Watson, CEO and Ben Serbutt, head of creative, Fat Beehive and a charity case study -
12.15PM - 12.50PM2C. Creating a culture of innovation: Bottom up vs top downDriving change is difficult. Developing new products and services requires a culture that is open to innovation – and risk. But where should the drive and motivation for this come from? This session will draw on case studies from across the charity sector to consider the differences between a bottom up and top down approach to innovation, as well as practical tips for developing the right structures and frameworks to drive successful innovation strategies in your organisation.
Lucy Gower, founder and director, Lucidity and a charity case study -
12.15PM - 12.50PM2D. Cyber security is everyone’s responsibilityCyber security is often seen as the preserve of a few technical people squirrelled away in the basement, with conversations rarely happening at a strategic level. In this session, the National Cyber Security Centre will
demonstrate how trustees, senior leaders and technical staff can communicate clearly about the risks their charity faces from cyber security; what needs to be done to manage the risk; and what roles everyone should be playing. This session will centre around the NCSC’s flagship guidance, The Board Toolkit, which focuses on demystifying cyber security, encouraging conversations between leaders and technical experts, and breaking down the key actions an organisation should take.
Speaker from the National Cyber Security Centre, a part of GCHQ -
12.50PM - 2.00PMLunch & networking breakLunch & networking break
2.00PM - 2.35PM3A. Riding the waves of opportunity while reflecting on learning: the Victorian charity in Silicone Valley
From inclusive apps and websites to accessible cash machines and self-service airport terminals, the RNIB plays a critical role on the global stage, acting as a catalyst for change and a negotiator and advocate of inclusive design. Drawing on these experiences, this session will provide an overview of RNIB’s collaborative projects with tech companies, highlighting successes, challenges and practical and organisational lessons. It will also consider the key ingredients for a successful and productive industry collaboration.
Robin Spinks, innovation through partnerships manager, RNIB
2.00PM - 2.35PM3B. Funding and supporting developers: lessons from Alzheimer’s Society’s Accelerator Programme
Developing and implementing new tech can be expensive and can require specialist skills. There are also many great products and services already
out there, which with funding and support, could have a dramatic impact on a charity’s service users. Alzheimer’s Society’s Accelerator Programme seeks to fund innovations and inventions that could help people affected by dementia live better. Applicants are chosen in partnership with people who have dementia, while the Society’s innovation team is on hand to guide winning projects through the lifecycle of developing, testing and improving their idea. In addition to presenting some of the successful
innovations being funded, this session will explore why and how the Society started the Accelerator project as well as sharing valuable learning for other organisations interested in doing something similar.Simon Lord, innovation programme manager, Alzheimer’s Society
2.00PM - 2.35PM3C. Lessons from failure: An experiment in start-up thinking in the charity sectorA year ago, Cancer Research UK set up a new venture to explore new ways of addressing cancer. Beanstalk Ventures sits outside of the charity and has the freedom to test entirely new models, tools and techniques that will help the charity achieve its charitable goals. In this session, Ben Holt provides an overview of how the venture has approached this challenge, such as by exploring the interface between customers and technologies, developing external networks such as contacts from within retail and tech start-ups, and
understanding the potential for scale.
Ben Holt, co-founder, Beanstalk Ventures - social impact
innovation powered by CRUK -
2.00PM - 2.35PM3D. Product or platform: Choosing a fundraising database
A fundraising database that integrates with other systems and allows charities to understand and manage their data effectively is essential for a well-run and efficient organisation. But how should charities choose a fundraising product or platform, and what are the benefits and disadvantages to each? This session will provide the answers.
Martin Thompson, director, MAST ICT and a charity case study -
2.40PM - 3.15PM4A. Embracing the expectations of the modern fundraiser
As technology changes, so too do peoples expectations of how we fundraise. In this session, Toni will look at how we are setting ourselves up to react to these changes and also how we can be proactive in embracing them. The session will include specific case studies on CRUK’s use of Facebook, including examples of successes and the challenges the charity has faced.
Toni Levene - lead product manager, Cancer Research UK
2.40PM - 3.15PM4B. Case study
In this session, we explore how social media and openly available documents and data on the web is used for human rights work, within the context of Amnesty International. "Open Source Intelligence” (OSINT), as it is often referred to, is playing an increasingly crucial role supporting fact-finding missions and investigations amongst human rights organisations and NGOs. Amnesty’s Crisis Response Team works with university students who are trained in OSINT as part of the Digital Verification Corps (DVC), to 1. Discover human rights atrocities and violations as they occur and are witnessed in online spaces, and; 2. report on the veracity of social media purporting to show violations. This session draws on a real investigation conducted by the DVC, and introduces some freely available tools that can be used to carry out OSINT work.
Matt Mahmoudi, Amnesty International.
2.40PM - 3.15PM4C. The first 100 days as a new chief technology officerThe first 100 days are important when starting any new job, but when the role is also new, there are additional challenges. In this session, Ursula Dolton will reflect on her recent appointment as the British Heart Foundation’s new chief technology officer and the various activities undertaken to ensure she can deliver BHF’s technology strategy, which aims to support research and innovation; help people affected by heart and circulatory disease; and drive income growth across the BHF’s commercial, retail and fundraising offerings.
Ursula Dolton, chief technology officer, British Heart Foundation -
2.40PM - 3.15PM4D. Automation and integration: How Dignity in Dying uses digital to deliver its missionUsing an integrated approach to campaigning, in the last year Dignity in Dying has recruited 85,000 new supporters, raised tens of thousands of pounds in donations, and mobilised its supporters to successfully change the minds of their MPs and MSPs through local activism. This session will explain how they did it, including: the need for an integrated approach; the
role of movement building; and the value of email list growth and automated marketing campaigns to keep supporters engaged.
David Pearce, director of fundraising and marketing, Dignity in Dying -
3.15PM - 3.40PMNetworking & refreshment break - Tech Talent Charter product demonstrationNetworking & refreshment break - Tech Talent Charter product demonstration
3.40PM - 4.35PMPANEL: Ethical technology: how can charities make sure their tech doesn’t have unintended consequences?PANEL: Ethical technology: how can charities make sure their tech doesn’t have unintended consequences?
Carly Kind, director, Ada Lovelace Institute; Kirsten Naudé, director of new ventures, the Children’s Society (being funded by Social Tech Trust); Yvonne Anderson, director, Mind Of My Own (winner of Tech4Good
award 2018); Dr Cosmina Dorobantu, deputy director and policy fellow, Public Policy Programme, the Alan Turing Institute -
4.35PM - 4.55PMClosing plenaryClosing plenary
Adi Latif, accessibility consultant at AbilityNet and a former professional skier -
4.55PM - 5.00PMChair’s closing remarksChair’s closing remarks
Started with a mind blowing keynote and continued to provide plenty of continuing learning opportunities through the day. Great atmosphere for networking with plenty to learn from other delegates. Ian Smith, Trustee, Lssrt.
A very relevant and necessary event for both the charity and technology sectors. Pirra Elford, Head of ICT, Retail Trust.
Surprisingly challenging as well as practically useful. Tony Stevenson, Managing Director, Whitechapel Gallery.
Enjoyable and informative. Bill Dove, Head of ICT, Shelterbox Trust.
Jam packed programme and lots of information to take in. Good speakers and workshops. I liked the app too. Sarah Barrett, Senior Fundraising & Events Administrator, The Organic Research Centre.
Useful and informative. Will return. Neale Millett, Consultant, Royal Air Forces Association.
A very good mixture of information, just a shame I couldn’t be in more than one place at once. Joel Sinyard, Funding Officer, Big Lottery Fund.
Wonderful exposure to the edges of the industry. Stretching us all to the next step in our engagement with technology. Timothy Brennan, Digital & Creative Media Manager, Youth for Christ.
As always, interesting speakers, engaging content and very good facilities. Clive James, Head of projects & information management, Great North Air Ambulance.
A useful and practical event with some good speakers. Naoimi Ziewe Palmer, Digital Content Officer, Devon Air Ambulance Trust.
Interesting and bringing different streams of digital work to reflect upon. Gabriela Mamon, Digital Projects Adviser, Bond.
An interesting day, gained some new insight and ideas. Helena Holt, Chief Executive, Devon Air Ambulance Trust.
Good event with lots to take away, some thought provoking sessions. Robert Rushworth, IT & Data Manager, Catholic Education Service.
Great content, good venue (excellent food) and good atmosphere. Mike Gibbons, Global IT Coordinator, United Bible Societies.
Useful opportunity to network and share common ideas and barriers keeping all of our supporters at the forefront of our digital transformation. Fiona McArthur-Worbey, Head of New Business, PohWER.
Great way to meet like-minded professionals and hear some interesting talks. Sian Prime, Head of IT & Systems, The Challenge.
Early-bird rate (booking before 27.09.2019) | Post-early-bird rate (booking after 27.09.2019) | |
Small charity rate (income under <250k) | £199 | £199 |
Charity rate (income above 250k) | £269 | £319 |
Team ticket | £669 | £789 |
Corporate rate | £749 | £799 |
Sponsors & exhibitors
Headline sponsor

KCOM designs and delivers communications and integration services that connect customers to the things that matter.
We understand how crucial technology can be to what you do; whether that’s online fundraising, multi-site communications or securing the confidential data you hold.
Our customers include the RNLI, RSPB and Terrence Higgins Trust, who look to us for a single-managed-service experience, trusted solutions and ongoing support for their changing technology needs.
We pride ourselves on providing an experience that’s exceptional from start to finish. We’ll work with you, advise on and deliver the best technology available, so you can get on with what you do best.
Associate sponsors

m-hance are a leading Microsoft Gold Partner and a leading supplier of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to the Not-for-Profit sector. We’ve worked with over 80 Not-for-Profit organisations including Oxfam Ireland, Amnesty International, Concern Worldwide, Solent Mind and Irish Cancer Society. Helping these charities optimise fundraising campaigns, manage their volunteers, reclaim Gift Aid and VAT and reduce costs through the Microsoft Dynamics solutions that we offer.
What’s more, because we’ve worked in this space for almost 20 years, we understand the unique obstacles and challenges that charities face, but more importantly, we also know how to help overcome them.

At ojo solutions, we believe technology offers incredible opportunities to transform lives. So whether your passion is to help people, animals, plants or the planet, we can empower you to do even more inspiring, life-changing things.
We’ll help you take the next steps on your technology journey – anything from understanding how to do more with your existing tech to crafting and delivering your complete digital transformation.
We’ve spent years enabling charities to do more with technology, so know this unique sector inside out. What’s more, we provide the business, design, user experience and development expertise you need in one place.
With thanks to our exhibitors
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St. Paul’s
Terms & Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).