This year's programme has been carefully designed to create a platform for strategic review, as well as imparting practical tips and advice on how to unlock hidden value from your portfolio. Because we recognise that property carries with it unique challenges which affect various sizes and types of organisations differently, we have also incorporated a selection of targeted roundtable discussions allowing you to tailor the day to suit your specific requirements. The Charity Property conference continues to be the only forum in the charity sector designed specifically to address the needs of those responsible for property management.

04 July 2017
8.45AM - 9.25AMRegistration, refreshments and networkingRegistration, refreshments and networking
9.25AM - 9.30AMChair's welcomeGareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance
9.30AM - 10.10AMPanel discussion: Post-Brexit property outlook
Predictions for last June's referendum result largely indicated damaging consequences for the economy; while these remain inconclusive, many people still think Brexit poses a significant risk to charities' property portfolios. Our panel will discuss the continuing impact of Britain's decision to leave the EU, both positive and negative, on the sector.
Chair: Sir Stuart Etherington, chief executive, NCVO
Panellists: Andrew O’Brien, head of policy and engagement, Charity Finance Group, Melanie Leech, chief executive, British Property Federation, and Alex Baily, portfolio director, Cazenove Charities
10.10AM - 10.40AMIs now a good time to invest in property?
With returns on conventional investments at historic lows, many charities are contemplating direct investment in property. This talk will consider whether this is the right decision for your organisation. It will detail the performance of property as an asset class over time, discuss the practical implications of property ownership, and give examples of best practice from the sector.
Jonathan Vanstone-Walker, director, TSP
10.40AM - 11.10AMCase study: Meeting the sustainability agenda
This session will focus on sustainability in redevelopment and the associated benefits, not only for the environment but also your workforce. Julie will share UK-GBC’s London office refurb project: the lowest embodied carbon footprint ever recorded for an office refurbishment in the UK.
Julie Hirigoyen, chief executive, UK Green Building Council
11.10AM - 11.30AMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
11.30AM - 12.00PMGetting the best value from your lease
Looking at both the landlord and the tenant perspectives, this session will explore key issues around lease management. Drawing on real life examples, property experts from Farrer & Co will debate typical challenges around taking on, occupying under and exiting a lease. Considering investment security for landlords post-Brexit, as well as the implications of tenants’ changing property requirements, this session will equip both sides with the tools they need to maximise the value from lease negotiations.
Charles Anderson, partner, Barbara Webb, associate and Karen Phull, partner, Farrer & Co
12.00PM - 12.30PMCase study: Unlocking the value of co-location
In an environment of rising property values and maintenance costs, charities are being charged with doing more with less. Drawing on her practical experience, Jane Petit will share the strategy, as well as the key successes & challenges, behind office co-location; how to select your partners, how to implement this change in practice, and how office sharing can go beyond the financial contributions, to foster a truly reciprocal relationship.
Jane Petit, former hospice director, Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice
12.30PM - 1.00PMInnovation spotlight: chaired by Antonia Swinson, chief executive, Ethical Property Foundation
"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got". Our innovation spotlight will feature a handful of speed pitches; draw inspiration from our quick-fire speakers as they showcase how to approach property a little differently.
- "How the first not-for-profit members' club is tackling homelessness"
Mary Whittaker, head of estates and facilities, House of St Barnabas - "Why your future workforce will expect flexible working "
Oli Lewington, engagement director, Cystic Fibrosis Trust - "Forging connections between charities and property experts for informed decision-making"
Elizabeth Pearson, probono manager, LandAid - "Emerging property technology: set to change the face of the industry?"
Chlump Chatkupt, founder,
- "How the first not-for-profit members' club is tackling homelessness"
1.00PM - 2.00PMLunchLunch and networking break
2.00PM - 2.30PMGuide Dogs case study: Dealing with disaster
Crises are unpredictable and potentially devastating. Drawing on real-life experiences, Chris Austin will share the approach to business continuity planning at Guide Dogs, how this was implemented and how the organisation responded to a real life disaster only weeks later.
Chris Austin, head of property services & Karen James, head of health & safety, Guide Dogs
2.30PM - 3.10PMPanel discussion: Charity retail..what's in store?
The 2016 Charity Shops Survey paints a picture of contrasting fortune. With profits down year-on year, a drop in both volunteer hours & rag prices and rising costs of staff and rent, the findings indicate worrying times ahead; and yet, the number of charity shops continue to rise. Our panel will reflect on the recent trends, and will look ahead to the future role of charity on the high street.
Chair: David Ainsworth, group online editor, Civil Society Media
Panellists: Robin Osterley, chief executive, Charity Retail Association, Roy Clark, director of retail & trading, Barnardo’s, Alison Bainbridge, founder, Raindrops on Roses and Jenny Langley, head of retail, Tenovus Cancer Care
3.10PM - 3.30PMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
3.30PM - 4.25PMRoundtable discussions: Property strategy (hosted by sponsors and sector experts)
Conversation 1: Identify and mitigating portfolio risk
Conversation 2: Maintenance and efficiency
Conversation 3: Future-proofing your workforce
Conversation 4: The strategic planning process
Conversation 5: Running effective capital projects -
4.25PM - 4.55PMInside the royal palaces - the challenges of running a unique property portfolio
With a combined history totalling more than 2500 years, Historic Royal Palaces protect & conserve some of the most prestigious palaces ever built. Adrian Phillips will share the rigorous upkeep programme required for such an estate, and will reflect on some of the challenges in running & maintaining this truly unique property portfolio.
Adrian Phillips, surveyor of the fabric, Historic Royal Palaces
4.55PM - 5.00PMChair's closing remarksGareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance
5.00PM - 6.00PMNetworking drinks receptionA chance to unwind and discuss the day's insight
Interesting selection of speakers - discussion groups and panel discussion stimulating
The charity property conference is an excellent forum to keep me up to date with property issues and the sector and to pick up useful tips from the delegates
Interesting, wide-ranging programme, with opportunities to mix and meet with a wide range of sector professionals
A great opportunity to network, hear and see best practice and discover alternative ways to achieve
Interesting and stimulating - vital conference if your charity has property
I enjoyed the charity property conference, great venue, facilities and speakers
Interesting case studies and good opportunities for getting to know charity colleagues
For speaker queries contact Jenni Cahill
For registration queries contact Chloe Vezey
For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Kirsty Brown
hone 020 7819 1208
Great ways to save!
- Be an early bird!
Book your place by 19 May to save up to £100 off the ticket price. - Attend with your team!
Ensure your whole team benefits from a great day's learning. With the Charity Team Ticket you can send up to four people for less than £150 each, saving your charity 40% on the booking fee.
Ticket type | Early bird (booking made by 19 May) |
Booking after 19 May |
Small charity |
Charity delegate | £259 | £309 | £199 |
Charity Team Ticket | £639 | £769 | - |
Non-charity delegate | £749 | £799 |
BMA House
Tavistock square
Tel: 020 7222 8010 / 020 7874 7020
Fax: 020 7222 6883
BMA House is a spectacular grade II listed building which was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, and has been the home to the British Medical Association since 1925.
Please note the panel discussions do not have presentations
10:10 Session
Is now a good time to invest in property?
10:40 Session
Case study: Meeting the sustainability agenda
11:30 Session
Getting the best value from your lease
12:00 Session
Sue Ryder case study: Unlocking the value of co-location
12:30 Session
Innovation spotlight: Chaired by Antonia Swinson
14:00 Session
Guide Dogs case study: Dealing with disaster
16.25 Session:
Inside the royal palaces - the challenges of running a unique property portfolio
Terms & Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).
Personal details: This conference is produced by Civil Society Media Ltd. By registering to attend you are agreeing to be contacted with information relating to your delegate place and future events. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to be contacted about associated products from Civil Society Media. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to receive carefully screened, work-related emails from selected third parties.